Theoretical and practical contributions for data collection in the application of polygraph examination


Jenny Andrea Lozano Medina, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Luisa Fernanda Pedraza Uribe, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Artur Oswaldo Villamizar Moreno, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Brayan Nicolás Ojeda Olivos, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Juan David Mejía Cortés, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Orlando José Carbal Mejía, Armada Nacional de Colombia; Yurfraidid Milena Gamboa Díaz, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Manuel Alejandro Toro Cardona, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Camilo Ayala Martínez, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Yonatan Mauricio Tapiero Góngora, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Diego Armando Carrillo López, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Carlos Orlando Yáñez Peñaranda, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Andrés Gustavo Gómez Peláez, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Andrés Orlando Velandia Barbosa, Policía Nacional de Colombia; Sindy Massiel Suárez Flórez, Policía Nacional de Colombia


entrevista, policía, recopilación de datos, examen poligráfico, poligrafía


In the public police service, the application of the polygraph examination is fundamental: it allows obtaining privileged information for administrative and operational decision making. In this sense, the techniques, instruments and data collection protocols established are key elements that, when combined with the professionalism and essential skills of the examiners, determine the success of the application of the polygraph examination. This book presents the theoretical-practical contributions resulting from a formative research exercise carried out by both expert polygraph examiners and beginners; it is the degree option of the Professional Technical Specialization in Polygraph at the School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the National Police of Colombia. The text is organized in five chapters. The approaches of the different chapters correspond to academic reflections based on the consultation of primary and secondary sources, which serve as a reference to strengthen professional practice. The first chapter explores the most appropriate interview and interrogation techniques when conducting a polygraph test; the second determines the lexical variants of the regional language of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala that could generate confusion in the exercise of polygraph examinations, and thus improve efficiency; the third chapter is a guide for obtaining information after a polygraph interview; The fourth chapter proposes an early warning protocol for examinees to admit sexual violence behaviors during the polygraph interview; and the fifth chapter presents an instrument for the collection of information during the interview phase in cases of admission of illegal drug use during the polygraph examination. In future research, it is convenient to deepen in the new technologies for the detection of deception and to analyze the perspectives of the examinees to contrast visions and delimit strategies that contribute to conclusive examinations and sustained within the framework of constitutional and legal rights and principles.


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