Venezuelan migration: effect on citizen security, locality of Kennedy, Bogota D. C. (2019-2021)
The objective of the research was to analyze the effect of Venezuelan migration on citizen security in the locality of Kennedy - Bogotá, D.C. for the years 2019-2021. Methodologically, the study was developed under a descriptive approach with a qualitative analysis and hermeneutic triangulation process for the definition of categories and analysis of the information. Information gathering techniques such as semi-structured interviews and documentary consultation were applied. The target population of the study were police officers in charge of guaranteeing coexistence and citizen security, assigned to the Sectional Police Strategic Information Center [CIEPS] room and the office of corrective measures of the police station of the locality Kennedy. The main results evidenced that Kennedy is the locality with the highest occupation of Venezuelan migrants in the capital city; the number of captured persons increased in the period 2019-2021 and their percentage of participation in crimes was approximately 20% of the general average, being theft and micro-trafficking the most recurrent behaviors. Finally, it was possible to establish that there is no direct relationship that shows that the occupation of Venezuelan migrants in Kennedy affects the insecurity rates in the locality.
- 2023-02-15 (4) — Chapter created
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