Transversalization of the teaching-learning of the English language as a competence in aeronautical maintenance


Pedro Andrés Vega Gómez
Policía Nacional de Colombia
Oscar Eduardo Giraldo López
Julio César Sandoval Campos
Policía Nacional de Colombia
Francisca Barragán Galindo
Policía Nacional de Colombia


The objective of this research is to analyze some variables that affect the difficulty that aeronautical technicians and technologists have in interpreting aircraft manufacturers’ technical publications in context, considering that the English language is the established language for aviation worldwide, and is not limited to radiotelephone communications between pilots and air traffic control, but extends to the hangars including all officials responsible for enabling the flight in optimal conditions of operational safety. This study addresses the need to boost the teaching-learning process of the English language in a transversal manner throughout the curriculum. Establishing an analysis of the variables involved in this problem, such as anxiety, fear of making mistakes and difficulty in interpreting a text, among others, its causes and effects, it is possible to demonstrate from the information obtained in the field work,that learning this language together with all the contents of the aeronautical programs would make it possible to achieve more effective results. In summary, through the study and discussion of other existing research on the subject, the affinity between their theses and the proposed work is clarified.

Author Biographies

Pedro Andrés Vega Gómez, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Técnico Profesional en Servicio de Policía, Estudiante de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en inglés, responsable de Calidad Educativa de la Escuela de Aviación Policial – ESAVI. 

Oscar Eduardo Giraldo López

Técnico Profesional en Servicio de Policía, Estudiante de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de Manizales. Investigador en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Escuela de Aviación Policial–ESAVI.

Julio César Sandoval Campos, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones, Tecnólogo en Mantenimiento Aeronáutico especializado en sistemas eléctricos, electrónicos e instrumentos de aeronaves. Técnico en Línea de Aviones. Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria y Herramientas Pedagógicas para la Educación Superior. Docente de Tiempo Completo Escuela de Aviación Policial – ESAVI. 

Francisca Barragán Galindo, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Magister en Educación. Especialista en Pedagogía. Administradora Financiera. Asesora pedagógica y metodológica. 



January 29, 2025