Ministerial Location of the Colombian National Police: background, initiatives, and actions needed for its possible change


Carlos Alberto Hurtado Martínez
Policía Nacional de Colombia
Alba Luz Molina Garzón
Policía Nacional de Colombia
Karen Velásquez Bonilla
Policía Nacional de Colombia
Oleskyenio Enrique Flórez Rincón
Policía Nacional de Colombia


The possible change of Ministry in which the National Police of Colombia is located constitutes an element of debate between academic and political sectors, this being a transformation that deeply impacts the imagination of all Colombians and that has recently been promoted by the current Government after of the hard days of social mobilization that occurred in recent years and from which the need for police reform was strengthened, hence the problem question emerged as a topic of priority interest for institutional research: What are the background, initiatives and actions required for the possible change of ministerial location? The investigative process developed used a qualitative approach, framed in the purpose of basic research, with a descriptive exploratory scope and under considerations of the historical hermeneutic paradigm, which made it possible to achieve the planned objectives of establishing the background, investigating processes and actions and integrating the findings in reference to the possible change of Ministry, the above as a result of the processing of the information collected and constructed with the documentary approach, the questioning of the stories of the interviewees and the analysis of the constructions of the participants in the focus groups.

Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Hurtado Martínez, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Magíster en Docencia e Investigación Universitaria. Especialista en Gestión Territorial de la Seguridad. Criminalista. Oficial de la Policía Nacional de Colombia, jefe del Área de Investigación de la Escuela de Postgrados de Policía “Miguel Antonio Lleras Pizarro”. 

Alba Luz Molina Garzón, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Doctor of Education. Magíster en Docencia e Investigación Universitaria. Especialista en Gerencia de Servicios Sociales. Socióloga. Investigador Junior ante el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.  

Karen Velásquez Bonilla, Policía Nacional de Colombia

Maestrante en Pedagogías Críticas e Intervención Socioeducativa. Maestrante en Educación. Profesional en Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales. Socióloga



January 29, 2025