Police Education a Significant Possibility of Humanization


Martha Lucía Gallego Betancourth
Dirección de Educación Policial


The Institutional Educational Project (PEI) of the Directorate of Police Education (DIEPO) – Higher Education Institution (IES) is conceived as a set of criteria, guidelines, orientations, guidelines and norms, which make visible the daily work of the police. academic community as a fundamental pillar for the development of academic training, training and coaching programs in compliance with the mission and vision.

A set of factors come together and determine the need to update the PEI without ignoring the trajectory of the DIEPO, understanding the occurrence of profound changes in all areas; It is enough to point out the progress in information and communication technologies, criminal dynamics, social phenomena, educational policies, among others. This document resumes foundations from its creation, but at the same time consolidated an investigative, collaborative and participatory methodological exercise based on the voice of society and the National Police represented by students, teachers, administrators, managers, graduates, social leaders, congressmen, businessmen , control entities, university professors, members of the MEN, among others; It was a dialogic process with an enriching documentary search to understand the expectations, demands and processes of improvement of police education.
The PEI of the DIEPO-IES is everyone's commitment, it implies that it is experienced in the daily life of police education, hence it requires compliance with the precepts with co-responsibility of each member, as well as from the theoretical-practical identity of its members. respective disciplinary and professional areas, with respect to the autonomy of the profession and police occupation of each disciplinary area and knowledge.

Author Biography

Martha Lucía Gallego Betancourth, Dirección de Educación Policial

Trabajador social de la Universidad de Caldas, Mágister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad de Manizales. Doctora en Educación de la Nova University. Cuenta con una pasantía posdoctoral en Política Pública, Niñez y Juventud en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Niñez y Juventud (Cinde). Investigadora en ciencia, tecnología e innovación (categoría junior). Tiene experiencia de más de 20 años en temas relacionados con la Educación Básica, Media y Superior.


November 15, 2024