Human transformations through technology: A Contribution to a Historical Study on Transhumanism




Transhumanism, Human Enhancement, Biotechnology, Scientific Dissemination


The human enhancement through of human capacities in the use of technology have object of imagine and building techniques, in order to potentiate the physical and mental activities of individuals, have been the object of study of the current philosophical called Transhumanism. This article, present the research contributions of the doctoral thesis work entitled "Roboethics and transhumanism: a singular scenario in the bioethics of the technology", a document built for the academic scenario of the Doctorate in Bioethics, at Military University Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia. which starts from a state of the historiographic art of transhumanist, organized methodologically through four historical stages, whose result envisage the conceptual and theoretical articulation of the construction of it.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Jairo Andrés Villalba Gómez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Economista. Esp. en Gerencia de Recursos Naturales. Magister en Educación. Doctor en Bioética. Profesor coordinador académico postgrados modalidad distancia en la Facultad de Estudios a Distancia.


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Human transformations through technology: A Contribution to a Historical Study on Transhumanism. (2019). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 11(1), 138-151.