The economic rights of same–sex couples in Colombia: Analysis of sentence C-075/2007


  • Laura Lusma Castro Ortiz Universidad Autónoma de Colombia



Human rights, human dignity, homosexual community, property rights, community property


This article analyzes and synthesizes the C–075 Judgement of seven (7) February two thousand and seven (2007) through which the Constitutional Court of Colombia declared enforceable in Articles 2, 4, 5 and 6 of Act 54 1990, as amended by Act 979 of 2005, with the understanding that the protection regime of de facto unions should also apply to same–sex couples, the only condition for access to this benefit the couple had two years coexistence, becoming this decision in the first judicial ruling, by which recognize unions formed by two men or two women, as a project of valid and constitutionally protected life.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Lusma Castro Ortiz, Universidad Autónoma de Colombia
    Abogada. Cursando Máster en Derechos


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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

The economic rights of same–sex couples in Colombia: Analysis of sentence C-075/2007. (2011). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 2(2), 118-134.