Analysis of the implementation of the National Telecommunications System in Emergencies as a tool for risk management: cases from Bogotá and Medellín
Disaster risk management, disaster prevention, emergency response, National Emergency Telecommunications System, emergency communications categoriesAbstract
This article presents the problems and needs discovered in the investigation on the implementation of the National Emergency Telecommunications System (SNTE), decree 2434 of 2015, in the case studies related to the cities, Bogotá and Medellin. The objective is to determine the degree of progress of the SNTE among the entities in charge of disaster risk management. The evidence indicates that there is progress in each city studied in terms of strengthening their emergency communications systems, but there is no operational articulation that indicates a substantial advance in the implementation of the SNTE on an inter-municipal scale. As recommendations, two major political challenges are proposed so that this process is carried out in an orderly and systematic manner; the first is to ensure that the information from the SNTE helps to define governance schemes for risk management for cities; the second is the inclusion of social actors and their networks to reduce the social vulnerability scenarios linked to disasters. This research is exploratory in character with a qualitative approach, using the case study as a proven central technique.
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