Examining the Relationship of Electronic Commerce in the Total Sales of Colombian Commercial SMEs: a Look Between the Years 2012 and 2016 in a Developing Country in South America
Electronic commerce, information technology, small enterprises, managementAbstract
This paper aims to explore the relationship between electronic commerce and the total sales in Colombia, a developing South American country, seen from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with mainly commercial activity. For this purpose, based on the databases provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE for its acronym in Spanish), a longitudinal panel was elaborated for the years 2012 to 2016 analyzing 2705 SMEs, comparing those that claimed to have incorporated electronic commerce and those that had not developed such strategy yet. For that end, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tool has been used to determine how the data is presented, resulting in non-parametric distributions. On the other hand, the Mann Whitney U statistical tool was applied to find the relationship between the variables examined. For both, small and medium enterprises, the statistical results do not show any association between the total sales of the companies that have developed part of their sales through online commerce and between those that have not developed sales in this way. This is because of the low expansion of e-commerce in Colombian SMEs, leaving a high potential to implement it in the country and adhere to a worldwide trend.
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