Human Rights: From the Classic Iusnaturalism to the Modern Iusnaturalism
Human Rights, human dignity, equality, inequality, nature, justice, iusnaturalism, moral autonomyAbstract
Investigate about humans rights nature mainly implies making clear the meaning of those expressions considering these questions: Are the human rights related to the nature of culture? , Do rights exist in the nature?, strictly what is nature?, what is the meaning of the expression: natural rights?. The previous questions take part in the discussion presented in this chapter through a classic iusnaturalism reflection in relation to the conceptions of equality, inequality and human nature. Afterwards, a brief exegesis from classic iusnaturalism to theological iusnaturalism will be presented from the vision of Pico Della Mirandola, and finally an anthropological conception of human nature, based on the idea of dignity -from Kantian point of view- will be explained, since it is the one assumed by modernity to found the existence of Human Rights.
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