Didactic strategy to strengthen competence in mathematical communication through photography
Communicative competence, didactic strategy, photography, variational thinking, visualizationAbstract
We present the results of an investigation that studied the strengthening of mathematical communication skills, using photography as an instrumental mediator for learning. The study involved ninth grade students of a Colombian public institution, and it implemented a didactic unit related to variational thinking, based on the Brousseau theory of didactic situations. It was a qualitative investigation with an action-research methodological approach, theoretically supported by Eisner's approaches. The starting point was a diagnosis of the students' level of mathematical communication by means of an ICFES type test. Actions were then implemented to improve this competence by means of a didactic unit constituted by guides and workshops. The results suggest that photography is a didactic medium that allows the generation of communication processes and the linking of everyday life with mathematics, and allows students to establish regularities and properties, reproduce them through mathematical language, use notions and processes that lead them to construct representations, verify them and put them to the test. Among the conclusions, it could be established that the use of photography in mathematics classes favors students' motivation, making the classes more interesting for them.
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