Forensic Use of DNA in the National Police to identification of alias «Edgar Tovar»


  • Martha Liliana Acevedo Neira Policía Nacional de Colombia
  • Blanca Yanine Bocanegra Cruz Policía Nacional de Colombia



Genetic Profile, DNA, Y Chromosome, Human Identification, paternity, Haplotype


The genetic analysis of bones fragments taken from a decomposing body, confirmed the death of Alias «Edgar Tovar», commander of the 48th group of the FARC and the drug trafficking responsible for the guerrilla group. The genetic profile obtained from the human remains was compared with information obtained from nuclear DNA and Y chromosome, the father of Angel Gabriel Lozada García, obtaining a statistical probability of paternity of 99. 991% and a total match on the information contained in markers analyzed Y chromosome, which was considered sufficient to determine the identification of the body.


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Author Biographies

  • Martha Liliana Acevedo Neira, Policía Nacional de Colombia
    M.Sc. en Biología. Dirección de Investigación Criminal e Interpol
  • Blanca Yanine Bocanegra Cruz, Policía Nacional de Colombia
    Bacterióloga. Dirección de Investigación Criminal e Interpol.


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How to Cite

Forensic Use of DNA in the National Police to identification of alias «Edgar Tovar». (2010). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 2(1), 132-137.