Kinematic analysis of the equine robot prototype eveloped for the shooting practice simulator mounted
Direct kinematics, equine robot, Denavit-Hartenberg, Mounted shooting simulatorAbstract
This research article includes an approximate description of the direct kinematic modeling of the 6-degree-of-freedom equine robot developed as a product of the ongoing research entitled "Equine simulator for shooting practice mounted on the ESCAR". The designed manipulator has educational purposes and will be used in mounted shooting practices, as a teaching support tool in the national police Carabineros courses. The design proposal of the robotic manipulator adapted to the educational needs is presented. Linear electric power actuators are used that connect the links of the proposed kinematic chain. The direct kinematics of the robot is approximated, using the algorithm of Denavit-Hartenberg "DH" and the dynamic model of the manipulator is calculated. Finally, the prototype is validated by simulating the behavior of the manipulator through the creation of program segments in Matlab® and compared with the results obtained by controlling the mechanism from a software application developed for this purpose in Microsoft Visual C # 2013®
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