Instrument for measurement of knowledge regarding problem solving in third grade of primary school in vulnerable population
Reliability, measurement instrument, internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha, statistical interpretationAbstract
Currently teachers who conduct research and who develop teaching practice, face the problem of validating the reliability of a measurement instrument, which helps to verify and be certain about the topics they investigate and the performances of the students. The most commonly used method to validate an instrument is Cronbach's alpha internal consistency, which is used in this work. This article shows a practical example to determine the reliability of a measurement instrument of student satisfaction in the application of a test, used as a measurement strategy in the third grade of elementary school at Colegio Andrés Bello in Cúcuta, Colombia. SPSS software version 21 and its statistical interpretation are used. This paper offers an analysis of reliability and how to improve the probability of success of the instrument by increasing the reliability of it.
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