Holistic model for police leadership





Leadership, Leadership Model, Culture, Police


This institution, with its workforce of over 180,000 men and women, whose primary responsibility is to address the security needs of all Colombians and to focus on the promotion of social harmony, needs a strong leadership model in order to successfully meet its objectives. This is why leaders within the police have become the ‘facilitators’, ‘champions’ and ‘enforcers’ of the organization’s constitutional mission through change management (including to the culture of the institution), using their influence to address any inequality. This doesn’t just allow for improved assimilation in the changing dynamics of new environments, but also ensures more general, sustainable evolution, which is essential to the pursuit of securing peaceful coexistence, order and social harmony.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Nieto Aldana, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Coronel Policía Nacional de Colombia. Subdirector de Talento Humano. Doctor en Gestión de conocimiento. Magister en Gestión Organizacional. Especialista en Negocios Internacionales 

  • Jorge Hernando Nieto Rojas, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Management Development. International management. Abogado. Administrador de empresas. Administrador Policial. Director General Policía Nacional de Colombia  

  • Jonatan Moreno Daza, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Especialista en Gestión Humana. Administrador de Empresas


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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Holistic model for police leadership. (2018). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 10(2), 90-110. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v10i2.551