Dialogic-critical approach, philosophy in science and thought variational
higher education, higher education, statistical methodology, philosophy of scienceAbstract
From anthropology and philosophy of the world must think the practices and how they articulate with narratives, and models that show visibilities and invisibilities present in higher education. The research was conducted with students from universities statistics North Santander Department. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the implementation of critical dialogic approach and the development of variational thinking of students. Method: The research was a correlational quantitative approach, field type, leaning on a qualitative approach. Results: the existence of a significant correlation between the implementation of dialogic-critical approach by teachers and students perception of their application in teaching moments was established, and correlation between methodology and development of variational thought was found; Perceptual, apprehensive, comprehensive and evaluative stages are presented in the achievement of competences. Conclusion: The critical dialogic approach affects the development of variational thinking of students.
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