Curricular auto-organization in the context of a global ethics emergency: Students formation and education quality
Ecosistemic thinking, subjetivity, education quality emergencyAbstract
The location article context is centered on the investigation and production that has been done during the last ten years, searching the educative reality on its different presentacions, from other points of view and epistemological thinking, consolidating an epistemological, theoretical, methodological and multidisciplinary warp on the systemic thinking point of view, the integral, integrated and integrator learning, focused on the students, theachers and school,s building capacity, the dialectical dimension of the subjectivity, the reality levels of teaching and the autonomy. The last mentioned ideas should be taken as a part of a paradigmatic point of view that locks for the valuation of the life, freedom, flexibility, equity, peace, creativity and the historic contextualization, in an environment of those formative orientations focused on the repetitive Academic learning.
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