Family and School, working together to build coexistence and pace: Evaluation of an intervention experience




Coexistence, Family, School Intervention Program, Evaluation


The investigation describe the impact of replication FAST (Family and school boards) developed with students, teachers and parents of Kindergarten Pilot Pasto (Colombia). Method: The reconstruction of the experience was made from the constructivist qualitative approach, using a historical hermeneutical method through in-depth interviews. Results: Improved family functioning, child resilience was strengthened and the risk factors were mitigated from the contributions of ecological, systemic and emotional development of children theories. Conclusion: the emergence of a new coexistence is evident from school for family.


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Author Biographies

  • Carlos Eduardo Contreras Grijalba, Institución Universitaria CESMAG

    Doctoren psicología con orientación en neurociencia cognitiva aplicada. Magister en Psicología. Magister en Docencia universitaria.

  • Liliana Calvachi Galvez, Institución Universitaria CESMAG

    Psicóloga. Especialista. Doctora

  • Adalberto Ruiz, Institución Universitaria CESMAG


  • Gerardo Restrepo Ramírez, Université de Sherbrooke

    Doctor en Educación. Magister en Epidemiología. Especialista en Neuropediatría. Especialista en Aeps Neurochirurgie. Médico


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How to Cite

Family and School, working together to build coexistence and pace: Evaluation of an intervention experience. (2017). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 9(2), 55-63.