Global society and transnational crimes




Globalization, criminal law, transnational crime, international crime, international cooperation


In a world of constant changes, where the uncertainty reigns of to becoming, multiple forms of life are cons- tituted, as well as also, develop skills to the borders are no more a constraint in achieving some objecti- ves. From this perspective, this article has for object describe, contextualize and make known the compo- nents of transnational crimes, characterizing its diffe- rence with the international crimes, through a docu- mentary investigation.


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Author Biography

  • Omar Huertas Díaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Abogado. Máster en Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Democracia en Iberoamérica. Mg. en Derecho Penal. Mg. en Educación. Profesor.


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How to Cite

Global society and transnational crimes. (2010). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 1(2), 8-19.