Harnessing solar energy for the Academic Area of the Police Aviation School through a photovoltaic system with grid connection





Energy, photovoltaic, solar panel, distributed generation, Aviation School


The article presents the design of a grid-connected photovoltaic system for the Academic Area at the Police Aviation School (ESAVI) in the city of Mariquita, Tolima. The applied research is of the pre-experimental type, with a descriptive scope and quantitative approach. The results show energy consumption for ESAVI of 1,930.61 kWh/day and 38,503.34 kWh/month by December 2015. In addition, a photovoltaic system is proposed with connection to grid or distributed generation (GD) with a capacity of 63.4 kWh/day and that is equivalent to 30% of energy consumed by the same area. This is composed of sixty-three 260-watt solar panels, a three-phase inverter of 15,000-watt capacity, and a bidirectional meter class 2. Likewise, the net present value was calculated with a time of 11 years for the economic recovery and the internal rate of return for 2041 of 10.70%, which indicate the financial viability for the implementation of the designed photovoltaic system. It is also expected to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and, therefore, to caring for the environment with the emission of 0.39 tCO2eq per month and the development of environmentally aware culture in the officials and students at the institution.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Miguel Otálora Dueñas, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Ingeniero Aeronáutico; Especialista en administración Aeronáutica; Especialista en servicio de policía. Escuela de Aviación Policial.

  • Santiago Alejandro Gil Baena, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Estudios administrador policial y piloto policial. Escuela de Aviación Policial.

  • Giovanni Andrés Vargas Galván, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Ingeniero Mecánico; Especialización en Pedagogía y Ética; Maestría en Gestión Industrial. Investigador Escuela de Aviación de la Policía Nacional.

  • John Edisson Díaz Figueroa, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Ingeniero Aeronáutico; Especialista en servicio de policia. Escuela de Aviación Policial.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Harnessing solar energy for the Academic Area of the Police Aviation School through a photovoltaic system with grid connection. (2019). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 11(2), 46-59. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v11i2.446