Mathematical model to minimize the number of standard sheets and metal residues during the cutting process




Linear Programming, Optimization Models, Metalworking


Small and medium-sized companies in the metalworking sector generally do not have efficient procedures for sheet cutting scheduling and usually perform this procedure based on workers' empirical knowledge. Linear programming has as its main function to offer solutions to situations in which there are scarce resources and presence of constraints (materials, demand, time, storage, money, etc.), but it is necessary to optimize a specific objective. This document presents the application of this tool, to minimize both the number of sheets to be used for the manufacture of a certain product of greater demand and the amount of waste generated during the cutting process in a company in the metalworking sector.


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Author Biography

  • Gloria E. Portilla W., Universidad Javeriana Cali

    Ingeniera Química. Magister en Educación


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Mathematical model to minimize the number of standard sheets and metal residues during the cutting process. (2020). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 10(1), 118-128.