The economic, social and cultural rights in the countries of Mercosur in their national constitutions and in the process of integration
Comparative Constitutional Law, Integration Law, Human Rights, Economic PolicyAbstract
The text briefly raise the constitutional provision of economic and social rights in the constitutions of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay and its Mercosur institutionalization through treaties and common economic policies developed in the bloc, with emphasis the principles of effectiveness and the prohibition on reverse of human rights. It runs on economic, social and cultural rights as an inseparable part of human rights and assuming that these are undoubtedly the factor of consolidation of political and economic blocs. Through the comparison of the economic constitution of each country, will be discussed which is the social and economic order established in each country and how they influenced or become part in the Mercosur integration process, and if there is repression of human rights because purely economic concerns.Downloads
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