Social bioethics: a solution to the erosion of ethical values in today's society


  • María Yackelín Díaz Rodríguez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Society, traditional, modern, bioethics, ethics, values, culture


The research follows a qualitative, documentary approach. Its objective was to analyze from the theoretical field bioethics as the transformation that has given way of the traditional society to the modern society. The result shows how great changes have occurred in the way people perceive life, and in the way they act according to their interests. Life in society, ethical and moral rules and principles that govern coexistence and set limits to establish a social order have been left out. The modern human being is individualistic, his personal interests are the only important thing, he denies his responsibility to social problems and he cares only for himself, leaving aside what happens in the environment. Given this panorama, bioethics emerges as a discipline that represents relationships in life in society and solidarity, and which covers aspects of coexistence and survival. It is concluded that its objective is to delimit the ethical values that must shape culture in modern society, and create a social order that allows everyone to adapt to globalization.


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How to Cite

Social bioethics: a solution to the erosion of ethical values in today’s society. (2018). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(3), 25-30.