Mediation of NTIC in mathematics: Humanistic Model
Pedagogical model, Flipped classroom, geogebra, electronic boardAbstract
The objective of this research was to design a pedagogical model from a human vision based on learning under the cognitive approach whose most relevant exponents for this study were Ausubel and Vygotsky, from a methodology to strengthen the mathematical competences of students of basic education, to Through the implementation of didactic strategies mediated by new NICT technologies in the application of the concept of function. The research was qualitative, action research, applied to a sample of 37 students who were intervened through the implementation of four strategies embodied in didactic sequences, except for the inverted classroom model, these were mediated by the TICs among them (Digital Board , Blogs, web 2.0 platforms, Geogebra software, digital tablets, PCs and social networks) that allowed transformation processes in the classroom as a main factor and determinant of the educational process to the student and teamwork as a social activity contributing to the achievement of associated learning To the concept of function and development of activities in class, enhancing the scope of competencies. In turn, the digital resources used allowed the achievement of the proposed objectives, an improvement in academic performance and a high degree of motivation towards the work in class in the area of mathematics and propitiated the autonomy, responsibility and critical sense of the student.
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