Covenants and cohabitation of the town council Zenú and the Sampués’s Ineitea




Conflict resolution, peaceful coexistence, agreements, family, school


The work starts from a problem in the educational institution, the families and the council, which consisted of difficulties in coexistence, conflict resolution and relationships. The objective was to know the relations between the educational institution and the families of the Zenú place, in order to strengthen them through pacts. Research is qualitative, of a hermeneutic type. Interviews were conducted with teachers, students and families. It was concluded that there are different ways of resolving conflicts in school, but in families, they are not clear. The family believes that dialogue is needed to coexist.


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Author Biographies

  • Manuel Esteban Garay Trujillo, Universidad Incca de Colombia

    Especialista en Desarrollo Infantil.

  • Yadith Ruz Gil, Unversidad de Sucre

    Especialista en Docencia. Maestrante Educación


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How to Cite

Covenants and cohabitation of the town council Zenú and the Sampués’s Ineitea. (2017). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 9(1), 14-23.