Terrorism in the Colombian criminal codeo


  • Henry Torres Vásquez Universidad Libre




Terrorism, Public Security, International Humanitarian Law, Criminal Code


This article attempts to address terrorism in general, from views that are purely legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential. In Colombia this approach is necessary and herein lies this contribution, which consists to create a legal debate regarding the implementation of terrorist crimes in the Colombian legal system. It should be noted, therefore, the existing criminal types and its legal aspects, without this being elaborated under a formal or dogmatic aspect, but instead developed as a study in light of current interpretations of terrorism, which is not cause detriment of those brief comments made about the subject. The elements of legal rights relating to the Public Security and International Humanitarian Law are analyzed along with the legal foundations of the two types of crimes under the Colombian Penal Code.


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Author Biography

  • Henry Torres Vásquez, Universidad Libre

    Abogado. Doctor en Empresa y Sistema Penal. Docente investigador de jornada completa.


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How to Cite

Terrorism in the Colombian criminal codeo. (2009). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 1(1), 137-164. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v1i1.41