An alternative history of the cult of saints in painting and sculpture of Colombia in the centuries XX and XXI




faith, painting, sculpture, baroque, ideology


When it comes to looking at the meaning that Christian holiness has had for the believer is indispensable to ask for the underlying content of art which he has sought to represent it in painting and sculpture. Taking as a general base concerning essential esthetic of figurative art, the test takes some among the many saints of Roman Catholicism most popular in the Colombian ambit, looking at his remote origin and evolution that each one of them has recorded throughout history. That survey allows settle an “ideologization” of art to be put at the service of interests of institutional type and therefore the confession of faith that the art wanted to support. It concludes pointing to its possible renewal because since its birth in the Christian scope it did not pretend anything other than refers the believer beyond the obvious limitation of the figurative.


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Author Biography

  • Alberto Echeverri Guzmán, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras con énfasis en Filosofía. Licenciatura y Magister en Teología. Doctorado en Teología Espiritual. Postdoctorado en Educación. Bogotá. Miembro del grupo “Sagrado y profano”, adscrito al Instituto Colombiano de Estudio de las Religiones y a la Universidad Industrial de Santander.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

An alternative history of the cult of saints in painting and sculpture of Colombia in the centuries XX and XXI. (2017). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 9(1), 63-77.