Relevant teaching in higher education: an exercise from complexity theory in the social work profession


  • Maribel Molina Correa Universidad Simón Bolívar



Didactics, cognitive processes creativity, life projects, context, information and communication technology, subjectivities


The requirements of our globalized world and the advancement of the teaching science show didactics as a fundamental category defined as the scientific discipline with principles, laws, theoretical and methodological frameworks, creatively modeling the pedagogical intervention in the academic environment. The implementation of the research "Teaching focused on the development of superior thinking and meaningful learning in students of first semester of Social Work Program", set the goal: Qualify the personal life and student projects from the acknowledgement of potentials of the subjects, for the development of competences meaningful to life. This is a research experience that has been developed since 2009 at Simon Bolivar University in the District of Barranquilla. The didactics was based on the development of superior thinking cognitive-process-centered, for the processing of information, creativity, readings of the reality of contexts, expounded/voiced subjectivities of life projects of students, the incorporation of TIC, in order to approach a humanizing and contextualized pedagogical practice. The critical theory was used in this research as a part of its epistemological basis for understanding and building a new academic scenario. The methodology used is the action with techniques such as mind mapping, dialogues, and stories of life, field works, and contents analysis, among others. The data analysis was guided by the hermeneutics as a possibility for the understanding and interpretation of the events that occurred in the classroom.


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Author Biography

  • Maribel Molina Correa, Universidad Simón Bolívar

    Trabajadora Social. Especialista en Modelos, Tipos y Diseños de Investigación. Mg. en Educación con énfasis en procesos curriculares. Doctoranda en Ciencias de la Educación.


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How to Cite

Relevant teaching in higher education: an exercise from complexity theory in the social work profession. (2013). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 5(1), 10-21.