Urban space in the market of the frontier zone: perceptions and conceptions in a mobile scenario





urban spaces, nationality, nation, free trade, boundaries


This article had the objective to identify perceptions of walkers about the urban public space of six avenue market in the border zone of San Jose de Cucuta, Colombia. The research follows a mix focus, qualitative of content analysis, from deep interviews and quantitative through a confirmatory factorial analysis. Results: as chaotic and congested is perceived the six avenue market; urban elements are used and modified continuously by informal salesmen without symbolic connotation that establish a system of relationships with elements of surrounding scenery; citizens and foreigners show a high degree of commitment and graceful to the city and country; planning to be considered only commercial pedestrian road are manifested as solution to congestion and chaos in the avenue. Conclusion: the six avenue market located in the border zone, follows a intercultural cohabitation mode: state, residents, culture and territory are merging categories to conception of urban public space, components business culture, economic status and psychosocial factors are significantly associated with cultural, social and economic status variable urban space.


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Author Biographies

  • María Margarita Contreras Díaz, Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción

    Arquitecta. Magister en Gestión urbana.

  • Brenda Jazmín Gallardo-Hernández, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

    Estudiante de Derecho.

  • Mawency Vergel Ortega, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

    Licenciada en Matemáticas y Física. Especialista en Estadística Aplicada. Doctora en Educación.


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How to Cite

Urban space in the market of the frontier zone: perceptions and conceptions in a mobile scenario. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(1), 71-84. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v7i1.353