Mathematical errors in procedural knowledge when solving quadratic surface problems




deformed definitions, difficulties, problem solving, procedural knowledge, quadratic surfaces


Problem solving is a critical area in the teaching of mathematics, due to the fact that the student has to implement concepts, abilities, procedures and strategies to succeed. This paper shows the characterization of the types of mathematical errors in the operative knowledge evidenced in a group of students when they solve problems of quadratic surfaces in Vectorial Calculus. This work had as reference the two stage theory of Mayer to solve problems and classification of errors according to Rico L. The study was based on an exploratory and descriptive focus. For the recollection of information an specific open and closed question questionnaire was designed and applied. One of the main findings highlighted is that 32% of the participants wrongly uses the data presented in the enunciate, 56% commit algebraic errors, 41% represent the correspondent graph erroneously, 26% left the graphical representation blank, 44% utilize deform definitions or theorems and 60% make mistakes verifying their found answers. The above rectifies the importance that procedural knowledge has in the solution of problems, independent of the factors or causes that may have originated. This motivates teachers of the area in the search for solutions of this difficulty, utilizing the errors as the source of the teaching activities.


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Author Biography

  • Rosa Virginia Hernández, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

    Licenciada en Matemáticas y Computación. Especialización en Estadística Aplicada. Magister en Educación Matemática


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Mathematical errors in procedural knowledge when solving quadratic surface problems. (2016). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 8(1), 67-76.