Coaching bioethically with the purpose of achieving sustainable development


  • Martha Patricia Striedinger Meléndez Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



bioethics, educating students bioethically, defense of the life, sustainable development, strategies


The present article analyzes the problematic of teaching and learning bioethics in the context of higher education, with an emphasis in medicine and aiming towards sustainable development. The objective is to expose that one of the alternatives to get to know bioethics in higher education institutions, is to coach each community bioethically. This means that the educator must be a role model for the students: not only teaching, but, living bioethically. In the beginning, it makes reference to the general aspects of bioethics and sustainable development to explain the evolution of these concepts, its situation in the present and the challenges of the future. Further, it focuses on the methodological strategies in the process of educating bio ethically, directed in leading students of higher education institutions with the purpose of achieving sustainable development. Yet, not achieving it in a traditional manner, since sustainable development also refers to wellbeing. Thus, coaching bioethically, which improves the way society functions. The conclusion is that institutions must give educators and students the tools for problem solving the priorities of humanity, such sustainable development. This can be achieved through bioethics.


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Author Biography

  • Martha Patricia Striedinger Meléndez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Doctora en Bioética. Magister en Mercadeo. Máster en Marketing. Especialista en Mercados. Administradora de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras.



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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Coaching bioethically with the purpose of achieving sustainable development. (2016). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 8(1), 45-58.