Bullying among peers at a police training school
Bullying, victims, offenders, training process, witnesses dashboardsAbstract
The research "Peer Bullying in the School of Carabineros Alejandro Gutierrez 2015" addresses one of the cutting-edge issues in educational contexts, of which the police training schools are not exempt. Bullying at school Alejandro Gutierrez, it was especially evidenced by the different consultations carried out by students of professional staff that integrates the human development team, psychologists, social workers and / or priest, one of the repetitive aspects of query. The target for research development was to recognize the impact it has on student’s personnel during police training and the environment as such bullying behavior in police units. Among the main results emerged: Root causes of bullying among peers, in order of priority: cultural differences, to de-stress strategy, not accepting the rules of the group, academic rivalries. These types of bullying among students: nicknames, insults, restrict the possibility of participation in academic activities, the threats. And stronger consequences of bullying, aggression, sleeplessness, loss of self-confidence, physical ailments, depression, lack of appetite, poor academic performance.
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