Non-tariff restrictions on Chilean trade: main obstacles For Colombian exporters




Trade, duties, restrictions, obstacles, economy


The changeable nature of the international trade carries to that the countries protect both his national industry and important sectors of his economy in order to guarantee the domestic production, therefore it does not surprise to find as the Chilean economy seemingly the most successful of Latin America elaborates a scheme of not tariff barriers In order to stimulate the exports but also to restrict the entry of foreign products to the domestic market, under the perspective to assure to be more competitive, certainly the article seeks to determine which are the obstacles that the Colombian exporters confront, nevertheless the work constitutes an analytical counterfoil that allows to see the interference of these not tariff measures in the trade, from the evidence gathered for the Chilean case, in 1995 As results of the Round Uruguay.


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Author Biography

  • Ana María Barajas Ramírez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Politóloga e internacionalista


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Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Non-tariff restrictions on Chilean trade: main obstacles For Colombian exporters. (2017). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 9(1), 106-111.