Factors in the active uniformed mental health National Police Colombia


  • Alejandro Lombana Castillo Policía Nacional de Colombia




Police, Uniforms, Weapons, Suicide, Job Stress, Alcohol, Substances, Domestic Violence, National Survey, Mental Health


The Mental Health of National Police of Colombia uniformed personnel is affected by various conditions related to the nature of the activity for which it is intended, and those stress factors, some specific to this activity and others related to any individual, acquire such magnitude and importance that lead to
abnormalities in Mental Health, whose origin, process, epidemiology, severity, prognosis and therapeutic measures are different from what is attributed to the general population. As a result of the urgent need for reflection on the matter and the importance of establishing a mental health diagnosis for this population group, this theme has being developed by Second National Mental Health Survey for the National Police of
Colombia, 2009-2010.


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Author Biography

  • Alejandro Lombana Castillo, Policía Nacional de Colombia

    Grupo Epidemiología y Evaluación en Salud Pública. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dirección de Sanidad Policía Nacional de Colombia.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Factors in the active uniformed mental health National Police Colombia. (2009). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 1(1), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.22335/rlct.v1i1.31