Mathematical modeling and GEOGEBRA in the development of competences in young researchers




methodology, teachers, teaching and learning, innovation, creativity, teachability, learners, Enjambre, training unit


The present article aims to analyze the competences of young researchers using Geogebra software; Allows to know the shared experience from a quasi-experimental research, in a sample of 27 students of the tenth grade of the educational institution José María Córdoba, 7 of whom were researchers of the proposal "Mathematics Divertida" of the research group "The Pythagoreans" Enrolled in the Swarm project led by the CUN, the purpose was to show the importance of introducing the student in the management of GEOGEBRA as a facilitating tool for the development of mathematical competences as it allows him to visualize and simulate real situations in a dynamic and interactive way; And in turn of the necessity of its incorporation to the curricular plans for the teaching of the mathematics. Results: The referent of the research proposal was the modeling of functions by means of which the student learned to represent mathematically the processes to follow in order to find solutions to a real life problem, besides acquiring the skill to represent the results obtained for A later interpretation and analysis of the results. Conclusion: The student acquired strengths and also detected weaknesses, improved the ability to face new educational realities.


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Author Biographies

  • Jorge Angelmiro Pabón Gómez, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

    Licenciado en Matemáticas y Computación. Especialista en Estadística aplicada.

  • Zulmary Carolina Nieto Sánchez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

    Lic matematicas y física. Mag Gerencia Educativa. Dra Educación. Postdoctora en Educación Latinoamericana.

  • Carlos Alberto Gómez Colmenares, General Electric International

    Ing Mecánico. Esp Estadística Aplicada.


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How to Cite

Mathematical modeling and GEOGEBRA in the development of competences in young researchers. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(1), 65-70.