Medellin industrialization in the nineteenth century: building a productive paradigm in an area non-industrialisable




Colombian economy, development, industrialization


The industrialization process in Colombia has been the topic of debate by academics in the economic history of Colombia and this process usually located in the twentieth century, after the coffee takeoff and international economic planning missions. However, we want to show the process of industrialization of Medellin during the second half of the nineteenth century, from elements such as: the inadequate conditions for the development of agriculture, which nevertheless allowed the productive migration extraction to the agriculture, coupled with the cultural characteristics of Antioquia and in particular the emergence of "free" activities and assimilation of religious sentiment of the Calvinists in the paisa "ethos". For that, it is to demonstrate growth of productive factors, represented in the population and the emergence of the first industries in the territory of Antioquia, which would, in the twentieth century industrial center.


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Author Biography

  • Julián Mauricio Vélez Tamayo, Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana

    Magister en Desarrollo. Economista. Docente investigador vinculado al Grupo GINVECO de la Facultad de Economía.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Medellin industrialization in the nineteenth century: building a productive paradigm in an area non-industrialisable. (2016). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(2), 124-131.