Proposal for analysis of human talent from complex thought




Learning Process, Human Talent, Complex Thought, Soft Skills


In this paper, it is expose a displaying scheme of the actions of the individual in the context of the productive world*, considering a series of demonstrations framed in the learning process, this, with respect to the complexity of the human development derived from the interactions of the individual, the family, the community, the labor environment, and society in general from the perspective of volitional, cognitive, and procedural dimensions. The proposed visualization, is conceived as a relational map that includes six pillars of human interaction immersed in the above dimensions, being them, know-to be, know-to know, Know-to live, Know-to create, know-to manage, and know-to communicate, being all these reflected as a synergic structure made manifest in the know-how, from the interplay of values, emotional skills or soft skills, attitudes, knowledge, and finally, ways of proceeding. All of the above, in order to generate an approach to the relational complexity of the human talent development in society.

 * The productive world, in this document, is conceived as the one in which people get articulated in order to live in family, community, entrepreneurial organization, a diverse kind of institutions, and society in general.


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Author Biographies

  • Abel Del Río Cortina, Unicafam

    Profesor e investigador asociado al Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación para la Sostenibilidad y Competitividad Empresarial Unicafam. Coordinador de investigaciones para la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. Director ejecutivo de la Corporación para la Innovación y la Gestión-Corpoing.

  • Jairo Rodrigo Velásquez Moreno, Unicafam

    Profesor asistente de la Escuela de Pedagogía e investigador asociado al Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Pedagogía para la Innovación y el Desarrollo Unicafam.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Proposal for analysis of human talent from complex thought. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(1), 35-45.