Towards the formation of an enterprising spirit oriented to the formality




University Social Responsibility, andragogy, entrepreneurship, business formalization


This article is the result of the actions of University Social Responsibility (USR) being made from the Unit of Social Management for 4 years with students of Technology Management and Business Administration from the Fundación Universitaria Cafam. It is framed in the processes of basic business management training aimed at adults from educational communities Cafam Santa Lucia  y Cafam la Esperanza of Rafael Uribe and Bosa localities respectively. This paper presents the results of a process of andragogical formative research with a group of adults Cafam Santa Lucia school, based on the use of the workshop as a strategy for teaching and learning. As part of the research was conducted, first, a study of the context, it was previously known to the people who would benefit. Gradually, throughout the semester, the proposed workshop was designed, in response to suggestions that were occurring in the process of mentoring project. Thus, two workshops for teaching theoretical content that enabled participation, self-education and dialogue with adult participants were designed. In the framework Management training we worked on the formalization of businesses; This issue is of great importance, since it offers financial, tax and commercial benefits to businesses. This experience was rated as excellent as the student used effective teaching and learning strategies, based on planning and development activities focused on the interests of the adult participants, mediated by a good learning environment and human sense. Participants proved to have clear and achievable ideas venture. The friendly and warm atmosphere that is offered in this course emphasized teamwork, communication and respect, which was used to promote values of the administration that facilitate the success of a company. For students this experience allowed strengthening their management skills and understand the importance given to the University of social responsibility in the formation of integral professionals.


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Author Biographies

  • Jairo Rodrigo Velásquez Moreno, Unicafam

    Magister en Desarrollo Educativo y Social. Docente.

  • Laura Viviana Vargas Galvis, Unicafam

    Tecnología en Gestión Empresarial.


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Research articles / Original articles

How to Cite

Towards the formation of an enterprising spirit oriented to the formality. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(1), 57-64.