Quality and profile of the university professor
teaching, quality, productivity, system and indicatorsAbstract
The research is developed in a mixed approach, combines the quantitative paradigm with the aim of obtaining patterns of regularity, and the qualitative in terms of technique and strategy of information capture, with interviews in depth, and also at the analysis level Of data, and interpretation of the results in the reduction, disposition and transformation of the same, in order to obtain from the experience of the four age groups of educators; The research was carried out with 120 teachers of the National Experimental University of Táchira State. The research develops the theoretical aspects of the constructs teacher profile, within the framework of construct quality in teaching. The general objective is to design and implement a system of quality measurement in university teaching. Conclusion: the implementation of the system allowed the formulation, execution and follow-up of programs, oriented to the training of academic staff to contribute to improve the quality of teaching.
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