The statistical support in the research projects, university-community. Reflections of an Experience with Seedbeds of Research




university-community, research-statistics, seedbeds of research, research experience


Connect Academy with research , is one of the current demands of the University institutions and society. It is expected that the teaching and research are activities articulated , since when teachers are actively involved in it, it can induce students to a critical and reflective atmosphere, moreover, when research is carried out in your environment, student appropriates the reality that surrounds it. The article seeks to encourage the reflection of the importance of linking research projects at universities connected in a practical manner with the objectives of a sector of the community and where the seedbeds of researchmake an active part of the project, thus strengthens the triad University- Community - Research. The type of analysis is exploratory descriptive in order to characterize and understand issues of interest around the experiences of the seedbeds of researchand their experiences. Methodologically, the planning and development it is focused on three moments: information and documentation, statistical design of the proposal, development and application. This project enabled the breakdown of classical roles between teachers and students, generating greater confidence and dynamism to the proposed activities. Were strengthened processes of teaching and learning between the seedbeds, strengthening research, argumentative, communicative and social competences.


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Author Biographies

  • Nubia Yaneth Gómez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

    Docente. Grupo de Investigación Gamma.

  • Ana Emilce Jiménez González, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

    Docente. Grupo de Investigación Gamma.


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How to Cite

The statistical support in the research projects, university-community. Reflections of an Experience with Seedbeds of Research. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 7(1), 27-34.