The management system of health information CAFAM IPS: a look at the current status and propose new actions to improve its performance




knowledge management, information management, organizational analysis


The information management is a very important factor to organize the processes taking place in a company and for complex systems function in a most harmonious way possible. This work intends to present the diagnosis was performed to determine the extent of the problem environment management system of information on the health sub CAFAM , describing internal and external factors that might influence the construction of a future SGIS . We conclude that there is much to do in terms of organizing a CAFAM IPS SGI in Health , but are also given the objective and subjective conditions for progress in the development of this system to contribute to the development of the company.


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Author Biographies

  • Javier Andrés Urrego Varela, IPS. CAFAM
    Jefe del Departamento de Planeación y Servicio. IPS. CAFAM.
  • Diego Alejandro Benavides Valderrama, Unicafam

    Director de Investigaciones.

  • Mikhail Benet Rodríguez, Unicafam

    Director de Investigaciones.


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How to Cite

The management system of health information CAFAM IPS: a look at the current status and propose new actions to improve its performance. (2015). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 6(2), 209-217.