The migration policy of the European Union in the Central Mediterranean, from securitisation to the promotion of sustainable development




migration policy, human rights, international security, human trafficking, sustainable development


The objective of this article is to analyse the policy of the European Union regarding forced migration and human trafficking from Africa through the Central Mediterranean, which is the deadliest migratory crossing in the world. This analysis evaluates the results derived from applying two policies, the first based on border security, and the second, based on the implementation of the Sustainable Territorial Development Index, (IDTS), as the basis of migration governance between the EU and the African states. Recognising that this migratory flow is a consequence of economic differentials between the countries of origin and destination, humanitarian crises, failed states or environmental devastation. The applied research methodology is descriptive and exploratory. The theoretical framework is based on the Realist theory that favours the sovereign action of the State and the theory of World Systems to explain that the E.U. has opted for securitisation, by managing to reduce irregular migration, but without counteracting the causes of this migratory flow. Therefore, a solution is proposed that goes to the origin of the problem, by proposing that the E.U. with countries of migratory origin work towards sustainable development, fair trade and technology transfer based on the IDTS.


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How to Cite

The migration policy of the European Union in the Central Mediterranean, from securitisation to the promotion of sustainable development. (2024). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 16(2), 134-151.