Conceptualisation of minimum professional standards, contribution to the doctrine of police forces
competence, performance, police, profession, standardsAbstract
The objective of this document is to provide conceptual elements that facilitate the understanding of professional standards in police forces, for which a research exercise was carried out with a qualitative, exploratory approach, taking as references technical reports and indexed articles, under the Information cleaning and classification methodology: Preferred reporting elements for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. In the investigation, literature was found that allowed us to propose a conceptual and functional foundation for professional standards based on some thoughts and currents of the administration, concluding firstly that their primary role in police forces is framed in coordination and organizational control and secondly, in the functional elements that allow contributing to the establishment of these. Finally, it was concluded that scientific and academic writings regarding professional standards in police forces are few; the lack of clear, unified conceptual frameworks, without defined structural elements, frames the results of this review in a novel proposal for police forces, thereby helping the interpretation and applicability of professional standards in governmental police organizations.
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