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Gamification: Preventive cybersecurity strategy for sexting and grooming




adolescents, gamification, grooming, sexting, cybersecurity


Social networks are expanding more and more, attracting more subscribers and adolescents consume these services in a poorly controlled manner, allowing an interaction with strangers from anywhere in the world. This has allowed cybercriminals to abuse their victims with mechanisms such as sexting and grooming, especially affecting the adolescent population. This article aims to propose a cybersecurity strategy that supports the adolescent population based on gamification, giving a point of prevention associated with sexting and grooming to reduce different levels of risk. The method used was to make use of processes for the identification of cybersecurity problems on the Internet, through different controls and applying them in a cybersecurity educational strategy to students from a primary education institution in the city of Medellín, Colombia. As a result, in the diagnostic test it was found that only 31.2% of the students responded positively to the questionnaire and once the strategy using gamification was applied, it was found that 93.7% of the students significantly improved their answers. With the application of the non-parametric test using the statistical method for the calculation of the sign test, it was found that the cybersecurity strategies using gamification managed to increase the level of awareness. It is concluded that for the identification and prevention of risks on the Internet that go against adolescents the application of mechanisms that manage to generate controls such as awareness through gamification becomes essential.


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How to Cite

Gamification: Preventive cybersecurity strategy for sexting and grooming. (2024). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 16(2), 95-117.