Education and teaching from the perspective of emerging paradigm
Complexity, transcomplexity, transdisciplinarity, education, citizenshipAbstract
The content that is pretend to develop here, addressing the relationship between complexity and thought systems, among the categories of educa tion, pedagogy and citizen culture, interrelation in which law, education and pedagogy come together as a trinomial of forces generating a citizen culture which develop different horizons and quality of life, being able to be contrasted by any citizen, both man and woman, through their complex experience. This allows an emergent rescue for being translated into renewed actions that transform permanently reality. This topic is addressed at developing in a concrete way the complexity concept and its relation with transdiscipline. Next, to determine what should be the application of this in education, pedagogy and specifically in citizen education. So, it can come back in a positive way to the community and humanity.
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