Systematic review: COVID-19 pandemic, quality of life, cognition, and mood in incarcerated individuals
Pandemic, prison, cognition, quality of life, affectivity, rights of special groupsAbstract
This article presents a review of the cognitive conditions of individuals deprived of their freedom as well as their quality of life, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. The importance of considering factors that influence the quality of life of these individuals is emphasised, including their psychological, mental, emotional, legal, and physiological conditions within the prison system in Colombia. The objective of this article was to describe the quality of life, cognition, and mood impact on individuals deprived of their freedom during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic literature review was conducted following
the PRISMA method, using the Sciencedirect, PubMed, Scopus, and Redalyc databases. A total of 25 488 articles were found globally; after applying exclusion criteria, 20 articles were included in the review. It was found that individuals deprived of their freedom experience cognitive alterations associated with the virus and the conditions of confinement. It is concluded that addressing the issues of overcrowding, lack of quality living conditions, access to health, and violation of human rights is urgent, regardless of whether individuals have been infected with COVID-19, although this exacerbates the vulnerability of those deprived of their freedom.
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