Social Networks: Risks and challenges for the academic community of Police colleges




Cyberspace, cybersecurity, social networks, risks, education, prevention


The use of social networks by high school students from National Police schools in Bogotá includes the identification of possible gaps in cybersecurity issues, despite programmes and strategies related to responsible use when browsing cyberspace. This research is based on the comprehensive-interpretive (sociological) paradigm with a mixed approach of qualitative predominance. A documentary review, a student survey and an in-depth interview with parents and speakers were carried out. The findings were grouped into two categories; cybersecurity and education. The results of the survey showed hyper-connectivity on the part of the students; the interaction carried out through social networks, especially through the exchange of photos, videos, sharing statuses and making video calls. The findings of the interview express that, although each educational establishment is autonomous, among parents, caregivers and teachers an expressly defined route is not clear to follow when evidencing emerging dangers to the use evidenced in social networks. There is also a lack of greater co-responsibility when identifying certain types of behaviour that threaten students, given that some parents consider that it is an issue that the school should take care of, while teachers believe that it is the parents' responsibility. In conclusion, the need to assess the degree of acceptance, the effectiveness and the scope of strategies developed by schools and private or government entities, with respect to raising awareness on cybersecurity issues and responsible use when browsing the Internet, is revealed.


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Research articles / Original articles


How to Cite

Social Networks: Risks and challenges for the academic community of Police colleges. (2023). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 15(3), 112-128.