Characterisation of canines in terms of surveillance and private security. Contribution to prevention and security in Colombia




Security, Surveillance, Private company, Services, Peaceful coexistence, Canine


The use of canines is recurrent in both public security and private security services. In Colombia, the certification of canines for private security use is carried out by the National Police. This article shows the behaviour of variables of specialty, sex and breed of 1,949 dogs owned by 56 private security companies that underwent the certification process by the National Police during the last quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. The study is a descriptive analysis of the administrative records of the School of Guides and Canine Training, belonging to the Police Education Directorate, according to the Evaluation Form for Canine Certification of Private Security and Surveillance Companies. Thus, according to the specialty, 36% of the dogs are used for controlled defense, 41.5% for explosives detection and 22.5% for narcotics detection; as regards sex, 63.2% are males and 36.8% are females; and with respect to breed, 26.6% are Labrador retrievers, 20% are Rottweilers, 18.8% are Golden Retrievers, 18% are German Shepherds and 13.6% are Belgian Malinois Shepherds. Thus, private security organisations include among their services the use of canines and to meet the demand they have selected certain breeds to perform in scenarios that represent vulnerability to security on account of criminal manifestations.


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How to Cite

Characterisation of canines in terms of surveillance and private security. Contribution to prevention and security in Colombia. (2023). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 15(3), 145-159.