The scientific method and complex thinking for research in current higher education




the scientific method, complex thinking, research methodology, paradigm, higher education


The importance of the scientific method today, determining what has changed, what endures and what is added, what is corrected, what is not accepted and how research strategies can be generated based on complexity to improve current academic practices, becomes the core problem to be dealt with in this article. As regards the above, it is worth proposing research designs that integrate the basic principles of the scientific method, but also new approaches and tools that allow the understanding of the complexity and diversity of educational phenomena. This implies a change in the way of conceiving research and knowledge, as well as greater openness and flexibility in the research process. Therefore, understanding the scientific method in its generality, analysing the opportunities offered by complexity, will facilitate the incorporation of alternative research approaches and tools to understand the diversity of university educational phenomena, without renouncing the basic principles of the scientific method.


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Theoretical articles

How to Cite

The scientific method and complex thinking for research in current higher education. (2023). Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 15(2), 147-160.