Police loyalty: staff retention enhancers, with a differential approach
administration, kinetics, human development, generations, managementAbstract
Taking into account the police work life cycle, the sociodemographic variables of human talent and the generational kinetics that affect the administration and management of people, the research objective was to identify the permanence enhancers of the personnel in the institution. We worked under a mixed approach, with a “non-experimental” methodological design and a transversal and descriptive scope, on a population of 6.644 Executive Level officials with time served for retirement. Using descriptive statistics, the incidence of sociodemographic variables on the intention to stay on was established. Additionally, an electronic questionnaire was applied to 4.502 participants, by means of convenience sampling, obtaining as a result that variables such as: “work location”, “time in the unit” and “incentives”, are the ones that most affect the loyalty process and the areas of “opportunities” and “benefits” must be strengthened differentially, by degrees. Finally, through latent semantic analysis, the responses to question No. 29 are analysed, establishing which aspects such as “reconciliation of family and work life” (48%) and “honor and exalt” (24%) are the most valued. This shows that there are factors that affect the permanence of personnel, and they within the institutional domain.
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